by Charlotte Gurney
A career change is something that most people will tackle at some point in their professional lives. With COVID-19 still impacting heavily on the economy this may be something that you’re thinking about right now. Whatever your reason for changing careers it’s important that you have a fresh CV that’s fit for purpose to match your new goals.
Start by identifying your transferrable skills
If you’re moving roles or industries then you may not have the direct skills and experience that a job ad requires. However, your work experience up to now may actually have provided you with a range of transferrable skills that mean you still fit the requirements. Start by looking at all the skills you’ve acquired throughout your career and compare this to a list of those that your goal sector and role would require. Where are the crossovers and similarities that indicate you may already have the experience and aptitude necessary for a career shift?
Streamline your CV
You don’t have to include information on everything you’ve ever done on your CV – in fact, this can be counterproductive. Go through your existing CV and strip out anything that isn’t going to be relevant to this specific move. View the document as a greatest hits of your career so far that you’ve tailored to what an employer is likely to be looking for in terms of the role that you want.
Create a cover letter
Many people overlook just how effective a cover letter can be, especially when it comes to changing careers. This is the ideal opportunity to explain how your professional past and the skills and experience that you already have connect to the role that you’re hoping to get. Keep it short, focused and confident.
Define your career objective
This will sit at the top of your CV and might be the first thing that a potential employer reads. It should highlight the type of role that you’re looking for as well as why you are the perfect candidate for it. This is another opportunity to connect the dots in terms of where you’ve come from and where you want to go if you’re currently navigating a career change.
Choose a format that you’re comfortable with
There are two main options when it comes to CVs for a career change –chronological and functional. The chronological CV is the one we’re most used to but it may not work that well for a career change because it simply focuses on where you worked, and when. A functional CV format focuses more on your skills and experience, which provides an opportunity to identify what is most relevant to this employer, as opposed to just listing one job after another.
Be confident
Even if you’re not 100% qualified for the job this doesn’t mean that you won’t still be an attractive candidate for an employer. Be confident in your ability to exceed expectations.
A strong CV is essential if you’re looking to shift career direction and these are just some of the ways that you can make yours more effective.
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